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2020 / Day 08: yellow





A kind of writer’s mapmaker’s block.

Estonian train connections are not very elaborate - in a sense that looking at the tracks and timetables the main idea behind it all is to allow people to travel to Tallinn and back. So after many tries late in the evening I come up with the idea of taking GTFS data and making a spirally looking graph of a train timetable - taking the morning train from Narva where and when will you be able to end up. So separate forks show the places where tracks diverge and time runs in clockwise manner (with the azimuth from the plain showing the time of arrival). Did not clearly spend/have enough time to think or work this through as one of the tracks (finishing at 16:25 in Kloogaranna) should in fact do another full circle and not simply cross out over the Viljandi 13:50 track. And in the end rotated the graph to better fit into the image and therefore losing the time reference.

One time in the future if given enough time I would like to rework this into the kind of visualization that I wanted it to be in my mind’s eye.

There are some SQL snippets left behind from creating this but it seems to be in such a horrible mess that I’d prefer not to publish them… at least not yet :)


Imagine taking a 07:17 train from Narva. What do you think where you could end up and when? Was trying to check it out using the Estonian Road Administration published GTFS data. #30DayMapChallenge Day 8 for Yellow (snails) pic.twitter.com/9SbwEuUKJb

— Tõnis Kärdi (@tkardi) November 9, 2020