Advent of code: 2024
I’m trying to do Advent-of-code this year. Let’s see how this goes. I’ll collect everything I manage here as a single page that will be updated as I go along. I’ll try to do it in Python and without doing any imports and with as little lines (newlines for readability) as I possibly can, meaning it will at some places get very messy…
#1 |
Day 1
with open('./tmp/advent-of-code/input-day-1.txt') as f:
data =
# For testing
#data = "1 2\n3 4\n2 1\n"
# parse input to list of lists of ints
lists = [
[int(val) for val in row.split(" ") if val > ""] \
for row in data.split("\n") if row > ""
# transpose without numpy
list1, list2 = [
[row[i] for row in lists] \
for i in range(len(lists[0]))
# answer "total distance"
total_distance = sum(
abs(n[0] - n[1]) \
for n in zip(
# answer "similarity score"
similarity_score = sum(
[el*list2.count(el) for el in list1]
Day 2
with open('./tmp/advent-of-code/input-day-2.txt') as f:
data =
# For testing
#data = "1 2 6 7\n3 4 5 7\n5 3 2 1\n"
reports = [
[int(val) for val in row.split(" ") if val > ""] \
for row in data.split("\n") if r > ""
# answer safe reports. MUST:
# - levels order should be the same as asc or desc ordered list,
# - number of unique levels in report should be the same as number of levels in report
# - max abs value between two consequtive levels must be less than or equal to 3
safe_reports = len(
lambda report: (
report == sorted(report) or \
report == sorted(report, reverse=True)
) and \
len(set(report)) == len(report) and \
max([abs(report[i]-report[i+1]) for i in range(len(report)-1)]) <= 3
), reports
# ugh... I should have done this in a more readable/comprehensible way before
# but here we go
# filter unsafe reports based on previous
unsafe_reports = list(
lambda report: (
report == sorted(report) or \
report == sorted(report, reverse=True)
) and \
len(set(report)) == len(report) and \
max([abs(report[i]-report[i+1]) for i in range(len(report)-1)]) <= 3
)!=True, reports
# from the unsafe levels reports create combinations so slicing original leaving
# out only one level per iteration so
# e.g. [1,2,3,4,5] becomes
# [
# [2,3,4,5],
# [1,3,4,5],
# [1,2,4,5],
# [1,2,3,5],
# [1,2,3,4],
# ]
# this is done in the lambda iterable input clause - we're still looping report
# by report but further looping it inside lambda
# within lambda why are testing the same previous three clauses for each
# permutation for report (order, number of unique, and difference of 3)
# recording True|False for each permutation and then filtering per report only
# those which get a True, True, True in response.
# Count all reports that got (at least) one True,True,True.
# Finally add it to the original safe_reports number
extra_safe_reports = list(
lambda reports: [
report == sorted(report) or report == sorted(report, reverse=True),
len(set(report)) == len(report),
max([abs(report[i]-report[i+1]) for i in range(len(report)-1)]) <= 3
] for report in reports
].count([True,True,True]) > 0, \
[unsafe_report[j] for j in range(len(unsafe_report)) if j!=i ] \
for i in range(len(unsafe_report))
] \
for unsafe_report in unsafe_reports
total_safe_reports = safe_reports + extra_safe_reports
# (facepalm) most probably with normal procedural planning this would be
# (and look) much simpler
Day 3
with open('./advent-of-code/input-day-3.txt') as f:
lines =
# this looks like job for regex, but trying to stay true to the idea of no
# imports... (and i already know I'm going to weep when doing the second part)
# answer to "add all multiplications"
add_multiplication = sum(
lambda int_pairs: int(int_pairs[0])*int(int_pairs[1]),
lambda possible_int: \
possible_int[0].isdigit() and possible_int[1].isdigit(),
] \
for token in [
token.split(",") \
for token in list(
lambda possible_token: \
possible_token.startswith("(") and \
possible_token.find(",") > 1 and \
possible_token.find(")") > 3 and \
possible_token.find(",") < possible_token.find(")")-1,
# ... and after seeing the second task, yes, my thoughts were correct in the
# beginning. BUT what the what... we are here to solve problems as they arise
# to exactly to the amount that is needed :D
# so with the do-s and don't-s. the general idea would be to:
# a) split the whole string at don't()-s to a list
# b) filter out only those that have the a do()-instruction in them
# (meaning "".find("do()") > -1)
# c) split every filtered string at do()
# d) merge it back to a single string using only the slice of [1:] (because
# whatever was before is a don't())
# e) run the same construction as before
# for this to work we need to add an explicit do() into the very beginning of
# the input string
dont_unless_do_add_multiplication = sum(
lambda int_pairs: int(int_pairs[0])*int(int_pairs[1]),
lambda possible_int: \
possible_int[0].isdigit() and possible_int[1].isdigit(),
] \
for token in [
token.split(",") \
for token in list(
lambda possible_token: \
possible_token.startswith("(") and \
possible_token.find(",") > 1 and \
possible_token.find(")") > 3 and \
possible_token.find(",") < possible_token.find(")")-1,
"".join(dosplit[1:]) \
for dosplit in [
considerdoing.split("do()") \
for considerdoing in list(
lambda instruction: \
dontsplit \
for dontsplit in \
## ... regex would have been nicer, but this works and shows it can be done as a
## "oneliner" without any imports :D
Day 4
with open('./advent-of-code/input-day-4.txt') as f:
data =
# this going to be a lot of looping, so I'm kind of thinking in the line of
# moving windows. But instead of doing proper moving window of 4*4 letters
# (XMAS*XMAS) because it's easier to loop once and extract values per rows
# rather than try to extract the exact values within windows.
# A couple of ideas:
# - the number of windows we need is (matrix_width-3)*(matrix_height).
# width-3 because XMAS is 4 char long, and height because we want to
# search all rows
# - search only by rows and use a transposed matrix instead of searching by
# columns
# - search for XMAS and SAMX, no need to reverse text in window
# - diagonals don't need transposed search
# the full matrix as list of lists (rows) of chars (columns)
lines = [
[*row] \
for row in data.split("\n") \
if row > ""
# transpose chars matrix so
# ['A', 'B'],
# ['C', 'D']
# .. becomes
# ['A', 'C'],
# ['B', 'D']
transposed_lines = [
[row[i] for row in lines] \
for i in range(len(lines[0]))
# find count of XMAS
xmas_samx = len(
lambda cand: cand == 'XMAS' or cand == 'SAMX',
# flatten the inner lists, we don't need to know that
cand for cands in \
# search rows
"".join(lines[row][column:column+4]) \
for column in range(len(lines[0])-3)
] \
for row in range(len(lines))
# search transposed rows
"".join(transposed_lines[row][column:column+4]) \
for column in range(len(lines[0])-3)
] \
for row in range(len(lines))
# search desc diagonals
"".join([lines[row+i][column+i] for i in range(4)]) \
for column in range(len(lines[0])-3)
] \
for row in range(len(lines)-3)
# search asc diagonals
"".join([lines[row+3-i][column+i] for i in range(4)]) \
for column in range(len(lines[0])-3)
] \
for row in range(len(lines)-3)
] \
for cand in cands
# for the second challenge it looks like the window approach was good, let's
# adapt it. All MAS diagonals we are looking for will be always in the same
# window so we'll look for diagonals in 3*3 window and then check the
# indexes where both asc and desc lists have MAS or SAM in the same
# row and column index value
mas_sam = list(
lambda diagonal: \
diagonal[0][row][column] in ["MAS","SAM"] and \
diagonal[1][row][column] in ["MAS","SAM"] \
for column in range(len(diagonal[0][1])) \
for row in range(len(diagonal[0]))
"".join([lines[row+i][column+i] for i in range(3)]) \
for column in range(len(lines[0])-2)
] for row in range(len(lines)-2)
"".join([lines[row+2-i][column+i] for i in range(3)]) \
for column in range(len(lines[0])-2)
] for row in range(len(lines)-2)
Day 5
with open('./advent-of-code/input-day-5.txt') as f:
data =
rules, rows = [
p.strip("\n").split("\n") \
for p in data.split("\n\n")
rules_idx = dict(
int(v.split("|")[1]) \
for v in \
lambda a: \
a.split("|")[0] == key,
] \
for key in \
s[0] for s in [
rule.split("|") for rule in rules
# sum of correct order mid-page-numbers
lambda pages: \
lambda ps: [
rules_idx.get(p) == None or \
c not in rules_idx[p] \
for c in ps[0:ps.index(p)]
][0] \
for p in ps
].count(False) == 0,
lambda pages: \
int(page) \
for page in pages
pages.split(",") \
for pages in rows
## second question
# NOK ordered pages:
# - find them by reversing the previously used filter
nok_pages_lists = list(
lambda ps: [
rules_idx.get(p) == None or \
c not in rules_idx[p] \
for c in ps[0:ps.index(p)]
][0] \
for p in ps
].count(False) > 0,
lambda pages: \
int(page) \
for page in pages
pages.split(",") \
for pages in rows
# - ... and establish "correct order" (although we need only the middle-most page
# number) by counting (per every page numbers list) how many times every
# number appears in the "after-pages". The idea being that we can estimate
# the order without really checking/fixing the order: if the list is
# N numbers long and a number appers N-1 timees in the "afterlist", then it is
# expected to have N-1 numbers in front for the current combination of
# pagenumbers. Similarly, if it does not not appear in "after-pages", then it
# must be the the first.
# This is not actually a correct way of establishing it, but just works
# here :) - e.g. if there's a number in the NOK pages list that does not appear
# neither as a key or as after-pages list in the rules_idx dict then it's
# location should not change.
sum_of_nok_mids = sum(
lambda nok_pages, ord: \
key=lambda x: \
lambda nok_pages: [
page in v \
for v in [
rules_idx[p] for p in nok_pages
].count(True) \
for page in nok_pages
Day 6
with open('./advent-of-code/input-day-6.txt') as f:
data =
# process map data to a list of lists of "network nodes"
guard_map = [
[*row] \
for row in data.split("\n") \
if row > ""
# build "routing matrix" from "network nodes"
matrix = {
(x, y): column \
for y, row in enumerate(guard_map) \
for x, column in enumerate(row)
# initialize trail by dinding guard location
path = [(k,v) for k, v in matrix.items() if v in ["^", ">", "v", "<"]]
# walk the path according to rules
_ = [
lambda mv: \
# go up
( (mv[0][0], mv[0][1]-1), "^") if mv[1]=="^" and \
matrix.get((mv[0][0], mv[0][1]-1), "X") != "#" else (
# go right
( (mv[0][0]+1, mv[0][1]), ">") if mv[1]==">" and \
matrix.get((mv[0][0]+1, mv[0][1]), "X") != "#" else (
# go left
( (mv[0][0]-1, mv[0][1]), "<") if mv[1]=="<" and \
matrix.get((mv[0][0]-1, mv[0][1]), "X") != "#" else (
# go down
( (mv[0][0], mv[0][1]+1), "v") if mv[1]=="v" and \
matrix.get((mv[0][0], mv[0][1]+1), "X") != "#" else (
# turn right instead of moving up
( (mv[0][0], mv[0][1]), ">") if mv[1]=="^" and \
matrix.get((mv[0][0], mv[0][1]-1), "X") == "#" else (
# turn down instead of moving right
( (mv[0][0], mv[0][1]), "v") if mv[1]==">" and \
matrix.get((mv[0][0]+1, mv[0][1]), "X") == "#" else (
# turn left instead of moving down
( (mv[0][0], mv[0][1]), "<") if mv[1]=="v" and \
matrix.get((mv[0][0], mv[0][1]+1), "X") == "#" else (
# turn up instead of moving left
( (mv[0][0], mv[0][1]), "^") if mv[1]=="<" and \
matrix.get((mv[0][0]-1, mv[0][1]), "X") == "#" else (
# smth wrong...
(-1,-1), "X")
) \
for move in path \
if move[1] != "X" and \
move[0][0] >= 0 and \
move[0][1] >= 0 and \
move[0][0] <= len(guard_map[0])-1 and \
move[0][1] <= len(guard_map)-1
# number of distinct locations the guard visits
count_distinct_locations = len(
move[0] \
for move in path[:-1]
## and obstruction can be placed anywhere on the path
## except out of guard_map and the first loc where the
## guard is
obs = list(set([loc[0] for loc in path[:-1] if loc[0]!=path[0][0]]))
## initialize the possible paths the guard we
## will be walking
loop_paths = [path[0] for i in range(len(obs))]
## walk paths
_ = [
lambda mv, rs: \
# check loop, i.e move in this direction
# is already in path. mark it as X for quits
( (mv[0][0], mv[0][1]), "X") if mv in loop_path[:-1] else (
# go up
( (mv[0][0], mv[0][1]-1), "^") if mv[1]=="^" and \
(mv[0][0], mv[0][1]-1) != rs and \
matrix.get((mv[0][0], mv[0][1]-1), "X") != "#" else (
# go right
( (mv[0][0]+1, mv[0][1]), ">") if mv[1]==">" and \
(mv[0][0]+1, mv[0][1]) != rs and \
matrix.get((mv[0][0]+1, mv[0][1]), "X") != "#" else (
# go left
( (mv[0][0]-1, mv[0][1]), "<") if mv[1]=="<" and \
(mv[0][0]-1, mv[0][1]) != rs and \
matrix.get((mv[0][0]-1, mv[0][1]), "X") != "#" else (
# go down
( (mv[0][0], mv[0][1]+1), "v") if mv[1]=="v" and \
(mv[0][0], mv[0][1]+1) != rs and \
matrix.get((mv[0][0], mv[0][1]+1), "X") != "#" else (
# turn right instead of moving up
( (mv[0][0], mv[0][1]), ">") if mv[1]=="^" and \
(matrix.get((mv[0][0], mv[0][1]-1), "X") == "#" or \
(mv[0][0], mv[0][1]-1) == rs) else (
# turn down instead of moving right
( (mv[0][0], mv[0][1]), "v") if mv[1]==">" and \
(matrix.get((mv[0][0]+1, mv[0][1]), "X") == "#" or \
(mv[0][0]+1, mv[0][1]) == rs) else (
# turn left instead of moving down
( (mv[0][0], mv[0][1]), "<") if mv[1]=="v" and \
(matrix.get((mv[0][0], mv[0][1]+1), "X") == "#" or \
(mv[0][0], mv[0][1]+1) == rs) else (
# turn up instead of moving left
( (mv[0][0], mv[0][1]), "^") if mv[1]=="<" and \
(matrix.get((mv[0][0]-1, mv[0][1]), "X") == "#" or \
(mv[0][0]-1, mv[0][1]) == rs) else (
# smth wrong
(-1,-1), "Y")
) \
for move in loop_path if \
move[1] not in [ "X", "Y"] and \
move[0][0] >= 0 and \
move[0][1] >= 0 and \
move[0][0] <= len(guard_map[0])-1 and \
move[0][1] <= len(guard_map)-1
] \
for (i,loop_path) in enumerate(loop_paths)
## count number of paths finishing on a loop
possible_loopers = len(
obs[i] \
for i, lp in enumerate(loop_paths) \
if lp[-1][1] == 'X'
Day 7
with open('./advent-of-code/input-day-7.txt') as f:
data =
# prepare equations with all possible combinations of additions and
# multiplications. That will equal 2^number-of-spaces equations. create a
# range and cast to 0-padded binary so that we'll take 0 as addition and
# 1 as multiplication, e.g.:
# eq = "10 20 30"
# >>> [
# ... f"{bin(i)[2:]}".rjust(eq.count(" "), "0") \
# ... for i in range(pow(2,eq.count(" ")))
# ... ]
# ['00', '01', '10', '11']
# >>>
# the prepared statements itself is a dict with (result, equation-numbers) tuple
# as the key and a dict of equation mask and solution list key-value pairs
# as a value, e.g.:
# >>> {
# ... (230, 10, 20, 30): {
# ... "00": [10],
# ... "01": [10],
# ... "10": [10],
# ... "11": [10]
# ... }
# ... }
# >>>
eqs = {
[int(a)]+[int(f) for f in b.split(" ")]
f"{bin(i)[2:]}".rjust(b.count(" "), "0"):[int(b.split(" ")[0])] \
for i in range(pow(2, b.count(" ")))
} for a, b in [
eq.split(": ") \
for eq in data.split("\n") if eq.strip() > ""
# Execute every equation combination just like reduce but without importing
# reduce from collections (some other cases for it used in previous days too)
_ = [
lambda equation: \
solve[-1] + numbers[i+2] \
if equation[1] == "0" else \
solve[-1] * numbers[i+2],
[(i, maskbit)]
) for i, maskbit in enumerate([*eq])
] for eq, solve in solutions.items()
] for numbers, solutions in eqs.items()
# sum all results from equations that have at least one correct result
calibration_result = sum(
k[0] for k,v in eqs.items() \
for (eq, sol) in v.items() \
if k[0] == sol[-1]
# for the second part let's switch from binary to ternary (base 3), so 0 for
# addition, 1 for multiplication, and 2 for concatenation. There might be other
# ways built-in to python (that i don't know of and don't know how to search
# for as this is the first time in my life that i come into contact with
# base 3 numbers at all i think), but staying true to no-imports and no-defs
# I'll calculate these on-spot. Getting a recursion to work in
# list-comprehension is painful, but possible... :D
# So, e.g. for two spaces before with two operations we needed 2^2 possible
# equation-masks. For two space with three possible operations we'll need
# 3^2 possible operations (and 3^3 for three spaces, and 3^4 for 4 spaces).
# All the "equation-masks" will need to be calculated beforehand, and stored
# as a variable.
# init the ternary calculation. I'll calculate the values only up until the
# number that is needed (i.e. only those eqs that did not find a solution
# before)
solved = set(
k \
for k,v in eqs.items() \
for (eq, sol) in v.items() \
if k[0] == sol[-1]
ternaries = {
i:{"s":"", "n":i} \
for i in range(
b.count(" ") for a, b in [
eq.split(": ") for eq in data.split("\n") if eq.strip() > ""
] if tuple([int(a)]+[int(f) for f in b.split(" ")]) not in solved
) + 1
# use the created ternary dict and loop in list comprehension calculating
# the base 3 value for every dict key. Why 20? because we should cap somewhere
# and most proably there is a better way to control this, but currently it's
# good enough. Anyway. Calculate base 3 values
_ = [
) for i in range(20) \
if v["n"]!=0
] for k, v in ternaries.items()
# so we end up with:
# >>> _ = [
# ... print(
# ... f"decimal {i} == {ternaries[i]['s'].rjust(1,'0')} in base3"
# ... ) for i in range(10)
# ... ]
# decimal 0 == 0 in base3
# decimal 1 == 1 in base3
# decimal 2 == 2 in base3
# decimal 3 == 10 in base3
# decimal 4 == 11 in base3
# decimal 5 == 12 in base3
# decimal 6 == 20 in base3
# decimal 7 == 21 in base3
# decimal 8 == 22 in base3
# decimal 9 == 100 in base3
# >>>
# recreate the eqs from input, but discard the already solved ones (no
# need to recalculate these)
eqs = {
[int(a)]+[int(f) for f in b.split(" ")]
ternaries[i]["s"].rjust(b.count(" "), "0"):[int(b.split(" ")[0])] for i in range(pow(3,b.count(" ")))
} for a, b in [
eq.split(": ") for eq in data.split("\n") if eq.strip() > ""
] if tuple([int(a)]+[int(f) for f in b.split(" ")]) not in solved
# update the previous lambda to include the concat operation too and run
_ = [
lambda equation: \
solve[-1] + numbers[i+2] if equation[1] == "0" else (
solve[-1] * numbers[i+2] if equation[1] == "1" else (
) for i,el in enumerate([*eq])
] for eq, solve in solutions.items()
] for numbers, solutions in eqs.items()
# .. and for the final result
calibration_result += sum(
k[0] \
for k,v in eqs.items() \
for (eq, sol) in v.items() \
if k[0] == sol[-1]
Day 8
with open('./advent-of-code/input-day-8.txt') as f:
data =
# parse to a list of lists
antenna_map = [
[*row] \
for row in data.split("\n") \
if row > ""
# store for easy access based on coordinates. this is a bit
# irrelevant, but makes
# for easy access for creating the antenna locs dict in
# the next step + later
# easy access to get "what's there" (call it "reverse geocoding")
matrix = {
(x, y): column \
for y, row in enumerate(antenna_map) \
for x, column in enumerate(row)
# distinct antennas to their locations...
antenna_locs = {
v: [
loc for loc, x in matrix.items() \
if x == v
] \
for _, v in matrix.items() \
if v in set(
mark \
for row in antenna_map \
for mark in row \
if mark != '.'
# pair all distinct antennas and calculated their antinode locations so that
# every antenna-pair is listed only once and antinodes are added as
# first and last locations to the antenna pair coordinates list
# The followig is effectively looping only the "the upper half from the main
# diagonal" of the "distance matrix" (only the cells marked with "o" for the
# following):
# | A | B | C | D |
# --|---|---|---|---|
# A | x | o | o | o |
# B | x | x | o | o |
# C | x | x | x | o |
# D | x | x | x | x |
ants = {
k: [
# first antinode
# first of the antenna pair
# second of the antenna pair
# second antinode
] for j in range(i, len(v)) \
if i < j and \
# neither of antinodes should be at the same
# frequency antenna location
) != k and \
) != k
] for i, locs in enumerate(v[:-1])
] for k, v in antenna_locs.items()
distinct_antinodes_count = len(
# get locations within map bounds
# and flatten lists over frequencies
n \
for n in [
# get locations and flatten lists
# per frequency pair-rows
[v[0],v[-1]] \
for v in [
g for ant, g in ants.items() for g in g
] \
for v in v
] \
for n in n \
# check antinode location
# against map bounding box
if n[0]>=0 and \
n[1]>=0 and \
n[0]<len(antenna_map[0]) and \