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2022 / Day 02: Lines

Moving on with generative SQL. This exercise attempts to create a set of linestrings which would connect nodes on all four sides of a square box ( in this instance as well as yesterday i was using the bbox of epsg:3301 based tile gridset) so that all nodes would be connected with every other node except the ones on the same side.

This time around there’s a lot of lateral joins, and in real life most of these CTE queries should/could be written to temporary tables in order to enforce indexes etc. But staying with the spirit of it has to run as a single statement, well… yes.

Some (but not all) PostGIS functions that are doing the heavy lifting here:

The basic idea behind this query is to create a square box, dump the corner nodes with st_dumppoints and create segments (of two consecutive nodes of the ring).

NB! As of PostGIS 3.2 we can use st_dumpsegments instead of

select st_makeline(array[pt.geom, lead(pt.geom) over (order by pt.path)]
from st_dumppoints(geom) pt)

to achieve the same thing.

Now for every returned segment, lets add extra points every 10000 meters with st_segmentize, and st_dumppoints to extract all points of the box.

Select unique nodes by st_union followed by st_dump to get node geometries and identifiers.

For every box point find the closest node and it’s identifier with a lateral join and st_dwithin selecting the closest with

order by nodes.geom <-> box_points.geom
limit 1

And finally all that’s left to do is to find all possible combinations of nodes, and st_makeline out of these. I’m using ordering by node_id value so I can select only unique lines. Meaning if there’s a line going from A->B then I don’t want/need the reversed B->A in the output.

And done…

output image

    /* minmax defines the corners where we create a set of random points. */
    minmax as (
            st_point(40500.000000,5993000.000000,3301) as ll,
            st_point(1064500.000000,7017000.000000,3301) as ur
    /* bounds gives the envelope for them  */
    bounds as (
            1 as id,
                    array[ll, ur]
            ) as geom
        from minmax
    /* extract envelope sides (4 pcs) */
    box_lines as (
            pt.path[2] as p,
                    lead(pt.geom) over (
                        partition by bounds.id, pt.path[1]
                        order by pt.path[2]
            )::geometry(linestring, 3301) as geom,
            min(x) over (partition by bounds.id, pt.path[1]) as minx,
            min(y) over (partition by bounds.id, pt.path[1]) as miny,
            max(x) over (partition by bounds.id, pt.path[1]) as maxx,
            max(y) over (partition by bounds.id, pt.path[1]) as maxy
                join lateral
                    st_dumppoints(bounds.geom) pt on true
                join lateral
                    st_x(pt.geom) as x on true
                join lateral
                    st_y(pt.geom) as y on true
    /* generate points - segmentize the box side line by 50 km */
    box_pts as (
            id as box_id, p as box_side, minx, miny, maxx, maxy, x, y,
            pts.geom, pts.path[1] as ord,
            max(pts.path[1]) over (partition by id, p) as max_ord_on_side
                join lateral
                    st_segmentize(geom, 50000) seg on true
                join lateral
                    st_dumppoints(seg) pts on true
                join lateral
                    st_x(pts.geom) x on true
                join lateral
                    st_y(pts.geom) y on true
            p < 5
    /* generate "singular" nodes and unique node_ids */
    nodes as (
            path[1] as node_id, geom as geom
        from (
        ) n
    /* merge box_pts with nodes - essentially assigns node_ids to box_pts */
    pts as (
            p.box_id, p.box_side, p.geom, p.ord
            p.x, p.y, p.minx, p.miny, p.maxx, p.maxy,
            box_pts p
                join lateral (
                    select node_id
                    from nodes
                    where st_dwithin(nodes.geom, p.geom, 1)
                    order by nodes.geom <-> p.geom
                    limit 1
                ) n on true
/* ... AND create the linework connecting every node to every other node
   unless the nodes are on the same side of the box.
    row_number() over()::int as oid, box_id, node_ids, geom, st_length(geom)
from (
        /* get distinct pairs regardless on direction by */
        --distinct on (node_ids)
        /* OR INSTEAD: */
        row_number() over (partition by box_id, node_ids) as x,
        box_id, node_ids, geom
    from (
                when a.node_id < b.node_id then st_makeline(array[a.geom, b.geom])
                else st_makeline(array[b.geom, a.geom])
            end as geom,
                when a.node_id < b.node_id then array[a.node_id, b.node_id]
                else array[b.node_id, a.node_id]
            end as node_ids
            pts a,
            pts b
            a.box_id = b.box_id and
            a.box_side != b.box_side and (
                    not (a.y = b.y or a.x = b.x ) or
                    (a.y = b.y and a.y != all(array[a.miny, a.maxy])) or
                    (a.x = b.x and a.x != all(array[a.minx, a.maxx]))
                ) or  (
                    a.ord = 1 and
                    b.ord = 1
    ) v
) b
    x = 1