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Downloading data from the ES

Just yesterday in a very impatient mood I accidentally deleted some data in the (luckily dev) database. Well, the deletion itself was not accidental, accidental was the fact that I did it yesterday of all possible days. It was a very fine identifier column that would have been gone and done with anyway, but not just yet. Since it was an auto-generated serial number it proved impossible to regenerate it and get the same values assigned to the already-existing 1M+ rows. But luckily, as this data is cached to an ElasticSearch index in a sudden thrush of an idea try to extract it from there, save as a csv file, and then import that back to the database and restore the lost identifiers.

And with a bit of Python it was pretty straightforward. Use requests for doing HTTP requests and csv for csv-writing (if on py2 and unicode-strings are hell then import unicodecsv as csv can help)

import csv
import requests

Define a search method that we’ll use for both: searching and scrolling through the remainder of the results

def search(indexname='', query='*:*', scroll_id=None):
    if scroll_id:
        # this is a repeating query, simply request the next scroll
        _url = '%s/_search/scroll' % url
        params = dict(
        # this is a first-time query
        _url = '/'.join([url, indexname, '_search'])
        params = dict(

    # also, pre-first-query tell ES to keep this scroll open for 1 min

    r = requests.get(_url, params=params)
    return r.json()

And a main to direct the search querys and manage csv writing.

def main(outfile, indexname, outfields='*', query='*:*'):
    r = search(indexname, query)
    assert scroll_size > 0, "Nothing found for query '%s'" % q

    if outfields == '*':
        fieldnames = r['hits']['hits']['_source'][0].keys()
        fieldnames = outfields

    # write mode on outfile
    with open(outfile, 'w') as f:
        c = csv.DictWriter(
            f, delimiter=',', quotechar='"',
            quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC, fieldnames=fieldnames
        for hit in r['hits']['hits']:
                {k: v for k, v in hit['_source'].items() if k in fieldnames}

    while scroll_size > 0:
        # this will run as long as there's "hits in the response hits"
        # request the next scroll from the query
        r = search(indexname, query, scroll_id)
        scroll_id = r['_scroll_id']
        scroll_size = len(r['hits']['hits'])

        # append to the csv file
        with open(outfile, 'a') as f:
            c = csv.DictWriter(
                f, delimiter=',', quotechar='"',
                quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC, fieldnames=fieldnames
            for hit in r['hits']['hits']:
                    {k: v for k, v in hit['_source'].items() if k in fieldnames}

And then we can use it to dump to a csv file foobar.csv two properties foo and bar from the ES index your-ES-index-name available at url with

url = ''
main('foobars.csv', 'your-ES-index-name', ['foo', 'bar'], '*:*')