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sde.st_point generation horrors

For the first time in years (possibly almost a decade?) I bumped into needing to do some work with an ESRI SDE geodatabase. Luckily running on PostgreSQL, I took the chance at looking at the sde schema functions that are available. Long story short: there’s nothing particularly grandiose to get excited about compared to the toolset that PostGIS delivers. Which kind of reminded me how at the time to get things done without button-clicking I ended up with:

This time around though the task was simple enough: given longitude, latitude, and height coordinates generate a 3D point geometry. And as the (latest) docs suggest this can be done using the sde.st_point function. The function itself is overloaded - meaning the same function can have different call signatures and the correct “version” of the function is decided upon the input data types. For example:

are the same interface to (the same, or as it is in this case) different functions in the backend.

This in turn means that you cannot have two overloads with the same call signatures as the docs are trying to lead to believe:

Function overload overlaps for sde.st_point

How would the database know which one of these are you trying to run if you say

select sde.st_point(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 4326) as shape

Is the third argument supposed to stand for m or z? And even if it was possible to have two overloaded functions in PostgreSQL with the same input datatypes but different argument names there really is no function called st_point with arguments of the types (double, double, double, int) in the sde schema:

    p.proname, pg_catalog.pg_get_function_identity_arguments(p.oid), prosrc, proargnames
    pg_proc p, pg_namespace n
    p.pronamespace = n.oid and
    p.proname='st_point'::name and
    n.nspname = 'sde'

which returns a bunch of functions, none of which have named arguments contrary to what the docs claim.

proname pg_get_function_identity_arguments prosrc proargnames
st_point text, integer ST_Point_WKT
st_point double precision, double precision ST_Point_Coord1
st_point double precision, double precision, integer ST_Point_Coord1
st_point double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision ST_Point_Coord2
st_point double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, integer ST_Point_Coord2
st_point bytea, integer ST_Point_Shape
st_point bytea ST_Point_Shape

But funnily enough when you execute sde.st_point with three doubles and an int nothing strange happens, as a response you get a st_geometry type response.

Calling sde.st_point with three-doubles-and-an-int

What? Well, because of the automatic cast from int -> double this simply ends up as the 4-doubles variant of the overload, making the the input srid value appear as m coordinate:

Inspecting the output of sde.st_point with three-doubles-and-an-int as WKT

So how do you construct a 3D point st_geometry with ESRI SDE?

Short answer? You don’t. Or if you really need to then you can use one of the following work-arounds:

3D sde.st_point from WKT

4D sde.st_point from coordinates

3D sde.st_point from coordinates using PostGIS

Whichever way of the above to opt for, the thing to keep in mind is that the srid identifier is not always the same as the well-known-epsg-number - because “reasons” which I guess (though I never really dug into that) are to do with layer tolerance / resolution settings. So even if you think you are constructing epsg:4326 geometries then in reality you maybe shouldn’t because the layer srid that ESRI is expecting might be something completely different. Since srid is defined in (at least?) two different locations (sde.sde_geometry_columns and sde.sde_layers) which one should be used? Who knows, but I guess the sde_geometry_columns table is more of an interoperability compliance thing. While sde_layers is for ESRI layers themselves. So instead it makes sense to use the

sde.spatial_ref_info(schemaname varchar, tablename varchar, geometrycolumn varchar)

function, which knows the correct places to look for.

Getting the correct srid identifier for ESRI st_geometry construction based on table schema and table name