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sde subtype hell

Getting the database structure in PostgreSQL is pretty straight-forward and helps to do some really neat things like dynamic SQL parsing with type-casts and so on. For example to get all columns of a specific table with the column order, column names, their formatted datatype expressions, nullability, and default values you can go like:

    ns.nspname as schema_name,
    c.relname as table_name,
    a.attnum as ord,
    a.attname as column_name,
    format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod) as data_type,
    a.attnotnull as not_null,
    pg_get_expr(def.adbin, def.adrelid) as default_value
    pg_namespace ns,
    pg_class c,
    pg_attribute a
        left join pg_attrdef def on
            a.attrelid = def.adrelid and
            a.attnum = def.adnum
    c.relnamespace = ns.oid and
    c.oid = a.attrelid and
    a.attnum > 0 and
    a.attisdropped = false and
    c.oid = 'hexgrid'::regclass::oid
order by attnum

which will output something in the lines of

SQL query results for basic datastructure details in PostgreSQL

Cool, so when inserting data into a PostgreSQL backed ESRI sde database from e.g. csv files we can use the database to tell us all of this?

No. Sorry, not everything. You can get a basic set of datatypes (varchar, int, smallint, timestamp, st_geometry) and the nullability, but not for example default values which are stored in sde system tables. This is most probably due to suptypes which for a particular table all go into the same “physical” table but might have different defaults assigned for a particular column. So how do you go about this?

This can be achieved by parsing the xml definition from the corresponding row in sde.gdb_items table. But first let’s look at domains.

These are essentially codelists that you can assign to table columns (and by saying “table” I mean both in ESRI parlance: tables and feature classes, as essentially these are the same) and consist of a code and a corresponding label. The code value is stored in the table, label is shown to the user. If you input (by hand) a wrong code value, your ESRI-based frontend will not know how to label it. All’s good for the database but people sucked into esri applications are still complaining.

One way to get over this when inserting raw data from csv files is by checking the domains available during insert. And maybe you don’t have codes, but the labels instead. So instead of doing

insert into foo.bar (
    objectid, some_domain_column
    sde.next_rowid64('foo', 'bar') as objectid,
        when rows.some_domain_column =
            'The answer to life, the universe, and everything'
                then 42
        else -1
    end as some_domain_column
from (
    -- the following should be a table select but lets just pretent for a second
    values (
        'The answer to life, the universe, and everything'
) as rows (some_domain_column)

and then later discovering that 42 is not defined in the domains. Or maybe the codes change so quickly that it’s hard labour coding all of this into case-when statements. But we can prepare domains as a database view:

create or replace view public.v_sde_domains as
    i.name as domain_name, x.*
    sde.gdb_items i,
    sde.gdb_itemtypes t,
        passing i.definition
            code text path 'Code' not null,
            name text path 'Name'
    ) x
    t.uuid = i.type and
    t.name = 'Coded Value Domain'

And we can then use this in the previous insert query as:

from (
    -- the following should be a table select but lets just pretent for a second
    values (
        'The answer to life, the universe, and everything'
) as rows (some_domain_column)
    left join
        public.v_sde_domains some_domain_column on
            some_domain_column.domain_name = 'the_answer' and
            some_domain_column.name = rows.some_domain_column

So even if the domain codes change very quickly and undecidedly, we can rest assured that we’ll be getting correct codes for existing values, just as they are in the database. We can even mark the mistakes this way. For example we can discern between a missing value in the input data and a messed up value in the input data with:

        when rows.some_domain_column is not null
            then coalesce(
        else -2
    end as some_domain_column

assuming you want messed up values to be marked with -1 and missing values with -2. Although my personal preference for marking missing values has always been NULL, but somehow for whatever reasons, personal or data-management-provider based, I see that there are people who don’t like NULLs.

Now with domains it seems pretty straight forward, these are separate “objects” floating somewhere out there in the database. It is important to keep track of “domain owner” and “domain name” values as these might get messed up. So for example if there’s multiple schemas and you pass your datamodels via the XMLWorkspace document (export from one DB, import to another), then you should pay attention to in what order are you exporting and importing your xmls, and that the domain definitions remain the same in all xmls you’ve made of all schemas.

Although (at least in sde-exported xmls) there’s a thing called “domain owner”, but it seems really a waste of textfile bytes as the domains list contains all the domains from the db all the time. At least I’ve not seen any effect nor point in that.

Btw, this here sounds like another reason why not to use schemas for sde databases - it absolutely unnecessarily complicates DB admin / dev-ops activities.

But anyway, subtypes. Using subtypes in this way is a bit more complicated, but also possible. Unlike domains, subtypes are bound to the table definition, they don’t exist independently of their respective tables. So in order to get them we’ll have to query and parse the definition xml from the sde.gdb_items for every table. And as I said before, when I say table, I mean table and feature class as apparently these have differing root xpath expressions in the definition xml…

    r[2] as nsname, r[3] as relname,
    coalesce(fe.col_name, ta.col_name) as subtype_col_name,
    coalesce(fe.default_subtype, ta.default_subtype) as default_subtype,
    s.subtype_name, s.subtype_code,
    c.attname, nullif(c.domain_name, ''), c.default_value
    sde.gdb_items i,
    sde.gdb_itemtypes t
        left join lateral
                passing i.definition
                    default_subtype text path 'DefaultSubtypeCode',
                    col_name text path 'SubtypeFieldName',
                    subtypes xml path 'Subtypes'
            ) ta on true
        left join lateral
                passing i.definition
                    default_subtype text path 'DefaultSubtypeCode',
                    col_name text path 'SubtypeFieldName',
                    subtypes xml path 'Subtypes'
            ) fe on true
        join lateral
                passing coalesce(fe.subtypes, ta.subtypes)
                    subtype_name text path 'SubtypeName',
                    subtype_code int path 'SubtypeCode',
                    fieldinfos xml path 'FieldInfos'
            ) s on true
        join lateral
                passing s.fieldinfos
                    attname text path 'FieldName',
                    domain_name text path 'DomainName',
                    default_value text path 'DefaultValue'
            ) c on true
        join lateral
            string_to_array(i.name,'.') r on true
    t.uuid = i.type and
    t.name in ('Table', 'Feature Class')

This view would list us all tables in the db that have a subtype, particular domains assigned to columns and their default values for that subtype. So we get multiple rows per table but one for every column (in a subtype). It might be good for overview, but maybe it would be easier to use in subsequent queries if we took advantage of PostgreSQL’s JSON functionality. Essentially aggregating all columns and subtypes into a JSON blob so we end up with one row per table (or to be more precise: subtype column):

create or replace view public.v_sde_subtypes as
    nsname, relname, subtype_col_name, default_subtype,
    jsonb_object_agg(subtype_name, subtype_code) as subtype,
    jsonb_object_agg(subtype_name, col) as cols_per_subtype
from (
        r[2] as nsname, r[3] as relname,
        coalesce(fe.col_name, ta.col_name) as subtype_col_name,
        coalesce(fe.default_subtype, ta.default_subtype) as default_subtype,
        s.subtype_name, s.subtype_code,
                nullif(c.domain_name, ''),
        ) as col
        sde.gdb_items i,
        sde.gdb_itemtypes t
            left join lateral
                    passing i.definition
                        default_subtype text path 'DefaultSubtypeCode',
                        col_name text path 'SubtypeFieldName',
                        subtypes xml path 'Subtypes'
                ) ta on true
            left join lateral
                    passing i.definition
                        default_subtype text path 'DefaultSubtypeCode',
                        col_name text path 'SubtypeFieldName',
                        subtypes xml path 'Subtypes'
                ) fe on true
            join lateral
                    passing coalesce(fe.subtypes, ta.subtypes)
                        subtype_name text path 'SubtypeName',
                        subtype_code int path 'SubtypeCode',
                        fieldinfos xml path 'FieldInfos'
                ) s on true
            join lateral
                    passing s.fieldinfos
                        attname text path 'FieldName',
                        domain_name text path 'DomainName',
                        default_value text path 'DefaultValue'
                ) c on true
            join lateral
                string_to_array(i.name,'.') r on true
        t.uuid = i.type and
        t.name in ('Table', 'Feature Class')
    group by
) d
group by
    nsname, relname, subtype_col_name,

We can use this in queries like the one we did before. Imagine the table that we were inserting to has a subtype field assigned to, let’s say a column called type and that classifies if it’s a Question or an Answer (so a subtype field). Let’s select a question again (see comments in the SQL for some explanations):

        when rows.type is not null
            /* get subtype code for value if it exists and is correct,
               othewise encode it as -1
            then coalesce(
            /* ..or if there's none in the input, use subtype default,
               otherwise encode it as -2. Everything goes red in
               in arcgis.
    end as type,
        when rows.some_domain_column is not null
            /* there's an inbound value for column foo.bar.some_domain_column.
               using the "assigned domains" data we have from left joining
               v_sde_domains to v_sde_subtypes get the appropriate code
               value for the domain for this column in this subtype.
               -1 here means that
               there is no appropriate code in domain we should be using
               (messed up data)
            then coalesce(
            /* there was no input value for column. Use the default value
               assigned for this column in this subtype. -2 here means that
               there was no default value set for the column */
    end as some_domain_column
from (
    -- the following should be a table select but lets just pretent for a second
    values (
        'The answer to life, the universe, and everything'
) as rows (type, some_domain_column)
    left join
        public.v_sde_subtypes subtype on
            subtype.nsname = 'foo' and
            subtype.relname = 'bar'
    left join
        public.v_sde_domains some_domain_column on
            /* subtype.cols_per_subtype["<subtype-name>"]["<column-name>"]["domain"]
               gives the domain name: expectedly `the_answer`
               but we don't have to hard-code it here
            some_domain_column.domain_name = (
            )::jsonb->>'domain' and
            some_domain_column.name = rows.some_domain_column


This final select could be made even more elaborate with e.g. NOT NULL checking for insert columns too - so if there’s no default value and the column allows NULLs there’s no apparent reason why we should insert a value to that column. The used error code (-2) should actually go only to those columns where it really is needed.

But why am I writing this? Personal reflection, most probably. And a few things to remember:

(sorry, was only teasing with this last point…)