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Estimating high-low density areas of population

Through a series of chances I got involved in a task involving population density data and where people live. The following will be a recount of some of the oddities with population density grid based data I encountered. I guess this is the first time really within years that I’ve done work with a dataset like this. I had heard of MAUP before, and had a rough idea what it is, but I guess I never ever saw it in action and acknowledged it like this before.


Density itself is a very vague (although yet concrete) term. In school physics we learn that a cubic meter of water at room temperature has a mass of roughly 1 tonne (because it’s density at that temperature is almost 1 g/cm3). So we understand it, but still sometimes find it hard to understand what the concept implies. Some very long years ago I remember witnessing an argument about the “density of trees per hectare” on a farmland applying for the EU subsidies. On the one hand there was the farmer claiming that given the total area of the plot was above 6ha and they had counted the number of trees exactly and that’s les than 300 meaning “well below the allowed 50 trees-per-ha”. On the other hand the density of 50 trees/ha would mean

With this I’m not arguing for neither one or the other - it’s just to show that we might understand density in very different manners…

And on a second thought, most probably my first ever (though unconcious) encounter with the dreaded Modifiable areal unit problem. But let’s come back to that later.

The data

Ok, back to the subject at hand. As with other EU countries, The Estonian population density data is available as Inspire view and download services. The national avaandmed.riik.ee Open Data portal has it also nicely listed with some descriptive text about constructing the layer. If you want to follow along then the 1x1 km grid WFS is the one used in the following writeup.

The dataset is published under CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication

Dive in …

Since it’s an Inspire dataset there’s a lot of fuzz, maybe important in other cases, but essentially the only thing we are interested here is the geometry and the population value itself. Nevertheless, if you want to dive in to the technical details then the data specification is available on GitHub @ INSPIRE-MIF/technical-guidelines/data/pd. Please note that the WFS mentioned above is not using the nested Inspire GML format but rather a flattened model instead.

Base 1x1km square grid for Estonian population density data with all attributes from the WFS service

… so, the MAUP

Let’s see it in action.

First off I need to apologize because although the population density metadata entry in the opendata portal states that

[..] If the square is less than four inhabitants, then the total number of inhabitants of the square is marked “-4.” [..]

this is not true in the currently available dataset (in a deep baritone voice to the side: “The authorities have been notified”), so the first map will be from some time ago:

Estonian population 1km square grid density map from “some time ago” with totally uninhabited cells marked in red

As you see, and maybe remember from the time you spent in Estonia during the FOSS4G Europe 2024 conference, area-wise a lot of the country is very much uninhabited. But this will not play any part in the further analysis so we can simply treat them with population equal to 0. This and the rest of the maps here will group the density cells in the following categories:

Listing of classes for population density: 0-30; 30-50; 50-250; 250-2000; 2000-50000; 5000-10000; >10000. Using the Magma color ramp in QGIS

I guess the easiest way to portray the MAUP would be to shift the grid by n units in any direction and we’d already see a change in density values (and the spatial patterns that form). But since there’s no original point data let’s do a re-aggregation at lower scales - meaning grouping the grid cells to a bigger cell side size:

Since the Inspire-provided population dataset doesn’t have the original 1x1km grid cell id values directly associated which would make it a greatly easier job to accomplish because the identifiers come in the form of:


Meaning the lower left corner of the cell is at E: 529000 N: 6607000 in the local national projected coordinate system epsg:3301.

But the said identifiers are available through another Inspire dataset, the Statistical Units so we can join them with a spatial query:

drop table if exists public.grid1km_2023;
create table public.grid1km_2023 as
    row_number() over()::int as id,
    grid.gml_id as stat_code,
    pop.value_statisticalvalue_value::numeric as value,
    import.pd_population pop,
    import.statistical_grid grid
        join lateral st_centroid(grid.geom) on true
    st_intersects(pop.geom, st_centroid)

alter table add constraint pk__grid1km_2023 primary key (id);
create index sidx__grid1km_2023 on public.grid1km_2023 using gist (geom);

As I just wrote before, the grid cell identifiers are essentially locators for the cell lower left corner at every full km of the epsg:3301 coordinate system. So in order to get a 10km grid I’d have to aggregate everything over:


where Y represents the first three digits for northings, and X the 2 for eastings with the first one always a zero (well, Estonia is not simply a very wide country) of the coordinate, and an underscore _ for any digit:

    row_number() over()::int as oid,
    e, n, geom
from (
        e, n, st_union(geom) as geom
    from (
            left(grid_east[2],3) as e,
            left(grid_north[2],3) as n,
            public.grid1km_2023 pop
                join lateral
                    string_to_array(stat_code, 'E') grid_east on true
                join lateral
                    string_to_array(grid_east[1], 'N') grid_north on true
    ) f
    group by
        e, n
) g

which yields

Aggregated “square grid” 10x10km square grid for Estonian population density data

These are not fully “squares” any more but really makes no difference for the point I’m exploring. Let’s do this with summing the population and also dividing that by the number of 1x1km cells to arrive at the same unit of measure, people-per-squar-km as before. In sql-speak:

    row_number() over()::int as oid,
    e, n, sum as value, sum/count as population_per_km, count, geom
from (
        e, n, sum(value), count(1),
        st_union(geom) as geom
    from (
            left(grid_east[2],3) as e,
            left(grid_north[2],3) as n,
            public.grid1km_2023 pop
                join lateral
                    string_to_array(stat_code, 'E') grid_east on true
                join lateral
                    string_to_array(grid_east[1], 'N') grid_north on true
    ) f
    group by
        e, n
) g

Aggregated 10x10km “square grid” for Estonian population density data for people-per-square-km

And yes the density has seemingly gone down, even if when checking the whole population count over the whole dataset is the same. Which actually kind of makes sense because remember, there was quite a bit of uninhabited land which is now unioned into the cells with higher population values.

And I guess you can already guess what happens, if we do

    row_number() over()::int as oid,
    e, n, sum as value, sum/count as population_per_km, count, geom
from (
        e, n, sum(value), count(1),
        st_union(geom) as geom
    from (
            left(grid_east[2],2) as e,
            left(grid_north[2],2) as n,
            public.grid1km_2023 pop
                join lateral
                    string_to_array(stat_code, 'E') grid_east on true
                join lateral
                    string_to_array(grid_east[1], 'N') grid_north on true
    ) f
    group by
        e, n
) g

meaning a 100x100 km grid.

Aggregated 100x100km “square grid” for Estonian population density data for people-per-square-km

But I think there was nothing really newsworthy here - depending on the actual amounts of lower vs higher density cells averaging over them will portray higher density areas with less and lower density areas with more people, even given the same unit of measurement.

The interesting part comes up when we take a whatever polygon and try to associate a population estimate with that polygon, for example:

Testing polygon on the 1*1km population density grid.

Well, first off, it does not contain any of the 1km grid cells fully and only intersects some of them. With an area almost 1 square km we are bound to get some bonkers results, but let’s do it anyway: find the population in the polygon by using fraction of area it intersects with at any of the respective grid cells.

Borrowing from physics where:

density = mass / volume

assuming a very uniform placement of people in the cells we can say:

density_per_km = number_of_people / area_in_km


number_of_people = density_per_km * area_in_km

Using this on top of the original 1x1km square grid

    sum(density_per_km * area_in_km)::numeric(10,2) as calculated_population
        join lateral (
                st_area(st_intersection(poly.geom, pop.geom))/1000000.0 as area_in_km,
                pop.value as density_per_km
                public.grid1km_2023 pop
            st_intersects(poly.geom, pop.geom)
          ) f on true
group by poly.geom


| calculated_population |
|               1180.06 |

Ok. So this is a number, it assumes a very homogeneous placement of people within the 1*1km cell which in reality is not in all probability true, so it might be higher. Or it might be lower. But it is a number, that can be compared to other numbers in a quantative manner, and I can make strategic decisions based on that, right? Right???

10*10km grid

Lets do the same calculation now for the homebrewed 10*10km grid.

    grid as (
        /* the same query as before for calculating 10*10km grid based
            row_number() over()::int as oid,
            e, n, sum as value, sum/count as population_per_km, count, geom
        from (
                e, n, sum(value), count(1),
                st_union(geom) as geom
            from (
                    left(grid_east[2],3) as e,
                    left(grid_north[2],3) as n,
                    public.grid1km_2023 pop
                        join lateral
                            string_to_array(stat_code, 'E') grid_east on true
                        join lateral
                            string_to_array(grid_east[1], 'N') grid_north on true
            ) f
            group by
                e, n
        ) g
    sum(density_per_km * area_in_km)::numeric(10,2) as calculated_population
        join lateral (
                    st_intersection(poly.geom, pop.geom)
                )/1000000.0 as area_in_km,
                pop.population_per_km as density_per_km
                grid pop
                st_intersects(poly.geom, pop.geom)
          ) f on true
group by

which yields:

| calculated_population |
|               1363.95 |

What??? The population estimate is up by roughly 200 people (~17% of the original value)??? But it is, and that’s because by grid aggregation our polygon is totally within a 10*10km cell with a higher people-per-square-km value than before.

Testing polygon on the homebrewn 10*10km grid

100*100km grid

Let’s give it one final try with the 100*100km grid. Logically this number will be smaller (because of unhabited and very low density values aggregated).

    grid as (
        /* the same query as before for calculating 100*100km grid based
            row_number() over()::int as oid,
            e, n, sum as value, sum/count as population_per_km, count, geom
        from (
                e, n, sum(value), count(1),
                st_union(geom) as geom
            from (
                    left(grid_east[2],2) as e,
                    left(grid_north[2],2) as n,
                    public.grid1km_2023 pop
                        join lateral
                            string_to_array(stat_code, 'E') grid_east on true
                        join lateral
                            string_to_array(grid_east[1], 'N') grid_north on true
            ) f
            group by
                e, n
        ) g
    sum(density_per_km * area_in_km)::numeric(10,2) as calculated_population
        join lateral (
                    st_intersection(poly.geom, pop.geom)
                )/1000000.0 as area_in_km,
                pop.population_per_km as density_per_km
                grid pop
                st_intersects(poly.geom, pop.geom)
          ) f on true
group by

which kind of makes me want to give up maps-and-spatial-and-all…

| calculated_population |
|                 60.76 |

This is only a fraction of the original result with the 1*1km grid.

So what would be the takeaway from here?

[..] The grid-based data are the basis for competent decision-making in the preparation of social plans and development plans, including the regional development plan. The grid-based data is used in scientific studies, in the private sector mainly in the selection of the best location and in the definition of the target group. [..]

… because you know, most probably in that polygon I used there is no-one living there at all, unless maybe for a few lions, zebras, elephants, exotic birds, reptiles, and others because that’s roughly the territory of the Tallinn Zoo

Testing polygon location on OpenStreetMap base. Used under CC BY-SA 2.0