Subdividing empty space by expanding polygons
This is a quick writeup about expanding polygons to fill up the space that’s otherwise unoccupied. The main reason I needed to do it was to generalize the coastline border (i.e. reduce number of vertices) of settlement areas by expanding it out to the sea and still be able to use it queries as a polygonal layer.
Sorry for the really excruciating title - I couldn’t come up with something that would describe better what I wanted to achieve.
Input data
We’ll use two datasets as input here. They both originate from the Estonian Land
Board: the 2nd level administrative units (called omavalitsus
) which are
provided as polygons that are already expanded out to the sea, and settlement
units (asustusüksus
) which have their boarders running along the coastline.
The first dataset will be used as a kind of a cookie-cutter. The
cookie-cutting itself is not a must and most probably the result would be
visually more pleasing aswell, but since for adminstrative unit divisions we
need to retain hierarchical integrity it actually makes sense to use it here.
If you want to play along then the download links for zipped input shapefiles are:
can be downloaded from
Both shapefiles are in the EPSG:3301
coordinate reference system and use the
codepage. The column name akood
refers everywhere to the settlement’s
official identifier, okood
to the municipality’s identifier. Both of them
are varchar(4)
type 0-padded numerical codes. The polygons are multi-part but
I cheated a bit here and cast them to single-parts.
But… Import both of the layers to a PostgreSQL/PostGIS database (I’ll use
a separate schema, called ehak
here), and lets start!
We’ll start by meshing up the polygons in order to find those sections of polygons' rings which should be offset. We’ll want to offset only those sections of settlement polygon rings that are not neighboring any other settlement unit.
First, extract settlement areas' polygon rings, and node them aswell just in case.
drop table if exists ehak.ay_rings;
create table ehak.ay_rings as
row_number() over()::int as oid, bar.*
from (
okood, mkood, array_agg(akood) as akoods,
from (
akood, okood, mkood,
st_exteriorring((st_dumprings((st_dump(geom)).geom)).geom) as geom
from ehak.asustusyksus
) foo
group by okood, mkood
) bar;
-- create index
create index sidx__ay_rings on ehak.ay_rings using gist(geom);
Then, mesh it up
drop table if exists ehak.ay_rings_mesh;
create table ehak.ay_rings_mesh as
select row_number() over()::int as oid, bar.*
from (
(st_dump(st_linemerge(st_collect(geom)))).geom as geom
from (
(st_dump(st_union(geom))).geom as geom
from ehak.ay_rings
) foo
) bar;
-- create index
create index sidx__ay_rings_mesh on ehak.ay_rings_mesh using gist(geom);
In a previous writeup I used a similar query in order to find out the sidedness information of a polygon mesh. But since we really don’t need sidedness in this case then we’re going to do it in a bit easier way. Simply count the number of polygons that the point at the mesh-line half length intersects. For that we need to create the half-length points.
drop table if exists ehak.ay_rings_mesh_points;
create table ehak.ay_rings_mesh_points as
select oid, st_lineinterpolatepoint(geom, 0.5) as geom
from ehak.ay_rings_mesh;
create index sidx__ay_rings_mesh_points on
ehak.ay_rings_mesh_points using gist(geom);
alter table ehak.ay_rings_mesh_points add column akoods varchar[];
alter table ehak.ay_rings_mesh_points add column okoods varchar[];
alter table ehak.ay_rings_mesh_points add column count integer;
alter table ehak.ay_rings_mesh_points
add constraint pk__ay_rings_mesh_points primary key (oid);
And update the fields
update ehak.ay_rings_mesh_points set
okoods = n.okoods,
akoods = n.akoods,
count = n.count
from (
p.oid, array_agg(n.okood) as okoods, array_agg(n.akood) as akoods,
from ehak.asustusyksus n, ehak.ay_rings_mesh_points p
where st_intersects(st_buffer(p.geom, 0.0001), n.geom)
group by p.oid
) n
where n.oid = ay_rings_mesh_points.oid;
We’re using a minuscule buffer (in meters) here because the half-way point will not always necessarily be on the original polygon’s side given the coordinate resolution.
Now lets extract all the vertices of those mesh-lines that only have one settlement unit on their side. In order for the voronoi polygons to follow the internal border of two adjacent settlement units we’ll make all of them a wee bit shorter aswell from the end and beginning by taking only a line substring of 0.5 meters from the beginning of the linestring to 0.5 meters to the end of the linestring. That will assure that the voronoi polygons expanding to the outside will touch with the inland border and coastline’s point of intersection.
drop table if exists ehak.ay_expand_points;
create table ehak.ay_expand_points as
akood, okood,
st_linesubstring(geom, 0.5/st_length(geom), 1-0.5/st_length(geom))
from (
m.geom, p.akoods[1] as akood, p.okoods[1] as okood
from ehak.ay_rings_mesh_points p, ehak.ay_rings_mesh m
where p.oid = m.oid and p.count = 1
) outs;
-- add index on geometry
create index sidx__ay_expand_points on ehak.ay_expand_points using gist (geom);
And now for the fun part. We have almost 1M points here
select count(1) from ehak.ay_expand_points;
On a 4-core 16GB RAM laptop with a spinning disk it took about 15 minutes of calculation. The basic idea behind this operation is that we collect the vertices by municipality’s identifier, create voronoi polygons for each, get the settlement identifier for each voronoi polygon and then pass them through their respective cookie-cutters. The only reason we are cookie-cutting here is that we need to have territorial integrity - the admin level hierarchy of settlements to local government units (municipalities) needs to stay the same. If that was not the case the process of cutting the resultant Voronoi polygons to shape could be omitted.
drop table if exists ehak.ay_expand_voros;
create table ehak.ay_expand_voros as
row_number() over()::int as oid, baz.okood, pts.akood,
st_intersection(baz.geom, baz.cutter)
from (
select bar.okood,
st_voronoipolygons(bar.geom, 0.0, q.geom)
)).geom, q.geom as cutter
from (
select okood, st_collect(st_snaptogrid(foo.geom, 0.001)) as geom
from ehak.ay_expand_points foo
group by okood
) bar, ehak.omavalitsus q
where bar.okood = q.okood
) baz, ehak.ay_expand_points pts
pts.okood = baz.okood and
st_within(pts.geom, baz.geom);
-- add geometry index
create index sidx__ay_expand_voros on ehak.ay_expand_voros using gist (geom);
The output looks like this
Now simply union the polygons together over the settlement identifier.
drop table if exists ehak.ay_expand_unions;
create table ehak.ay_expand_unions as
select akood, okood, st_union(geom) as geom
from ehak.ay_expand_voros
group by akood, okood;
So now we got the expanded space sorted out. As for the rest we should
do some extra calculations - union the expanded settlement area with the
respective dry-land counterpart and then cookie-cut once more with all other
dry-land polygons within that municipality. For that we’ll add three more
geometry columns to the ay_expand_unions
table: self
, cutter
and unioned
and update them
-- add columns
alter table ehak.ay_expand_unions add column cutter geometry(Geometry, 3301);
alter table ehak.ay_expand_unions add column self geometry(Geometry, 3301);
alter table ehak.ay_expand_unions add column unioned geometry(Geometry, 3301);
-- self, which is the original geometry of the settlement
update ehak.ay_expand_unions set
self = n.geom
from (
select akood, st_union(geom) as geom
from ehak.asustusyksus
group by akood
) n
where ay_expand_unions.akood = n.akood;
-- the cutter, which are all other settlement areas in this municipality
update ehak.ay_expand_unions set
cutter = foo.geom
from (
select s.akood, st_union(o.geom) as geom
ehak.asustusyksus s,
ehak.asustusyksus o,
(select distinct akood from ehak.ay_expand_unions) n
s.akood != o.akood and
s.okood = o.okood and
s.akood = n.akood
group by s.akood
) foo
where foo.akood = ay_expand_unions.akood;
-- and unioned, which is the point set union of the original settlement polygon
-- and it's expanded counterpart
update ehak.ay_expand_unions set
unioned = n.geom
from (
select akood, st_union(geom) as geom
from (
select akood, (st_dump(st_union(geom, self))).geom
from ehak.ay_expand_unions
) foo
where geometrytype(geom) = 'POLYGON'
group by akood
) n
where ay_expand_unions.akood = n.akood;
And then for some more cookie-cutting fun
drop table if exists ehak.ay_expand_trimmed;
create table ehak.ay_expand_trimmed as
select akood, okood, st_union(geom) as geom
from (
select akood, okood,
when geom is not null and cutter is not null then
(st_dump(st_difference(geom, cutter))).geom
when geom is not null and cutter is null then
else null
end as geom
from (
select akood, okood, unioned as geom,
cutter as cutter
from ehak.ay_expand_unions) a
) foo
where geometrytype(geom) = 'POLYGON' or geometrytype(geom) = 'MULTIPOLYGON'
group by akood, okood;
The output looks like this
And now it’s only the question of adding also the non-expanded geometries from the original dataset and the layer is ready. One thing that should be noted still is that the cookie-cutting process might have left artifacts - small polygon rings in places that we actually don’t want them.
Bits of this work have been accomplished as a part of an ongoing project for Omniva AS. This writeup is licensed under CC-BY 4.0: Tõnis Kärdi (LonLat OÜ). Except for the SQL code which is licensed under the Unlicense and is available in its full form as a gist here